
Your ip-address

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Your IP-address is:

This page is for anyone who needs help with his computer. More information at the bottom of the page.

This is your external ip-address that you have been assigned by your ISP i.e. Internet Service Provider (Telia, Bredbandsbolaget, Tele2, Tre etc). If you use a router , it's the address of the router that is displayed. On your internal network you have another address.

(If you use a proxy, the ip-address of the proxy is displayed instead.)

Send your ip-address with e-mail

  Svenska, tack! Français, s'il vous plaît!

Do you need help with the computer by a friend? Send your ip-address to a friend with your own e-mail client. Click on the "button" below to open your e-mail program.

Send your ip-address to a friend

This is what your e-mail will look like:

My ip-address


I have checked my IP-address at http://www.tunedal.nu/ip-test/

My ip-address is: (your ip-address will be written here)

This page is intended for you if you are a grandmother, a grandfather, or just anyone that wants to get help with your computer by someone else that is far away.


Grandmother Berta usually gets help by her grandson Hubert, called Hubbe. Unfortunatly, Hubbe has moved to Tokyo, or was it Bagarmossen? Anyway, he cannot just pop over to his grandmother Berta och fix her computer. In stead, he tries to help her by using a remote control software. So he needs to know the ip-address of his grandmother Berta, otherwise he cannot connect to her computer.

One day Hubbe discovers this page. Then he asks his belowed grandmother Berta to surf here and send her ip-address to his e-mail address in Tokyo, or read it aloud over the phone if it was Bagarmossen he had moved to. As soon as he managed to connect to his grandmother Bertas computer, he made a shortcut to this page on her desktop. From now on, she can easily let him know her ip-address whenever she needs help.

She is so pleased with her inventive grandson, who can help her with the computer, although he as moved to Tokyo, or was it Bagarmossen? Anyhow, you can always count on Hubbe!

Are you helping your dad?

Do you have a dad or a mum that you use to help with his/her computer? Or is it a granny or a grandpa? Or maybe a friend? In that case, you can recommend this page, to make it more easy to help them by means of some remote access software (remote desktop software).

Most remote control programs are variants of VNC or of remote desktop, RDP, see also the comparison at Wikipedia of a number of such programs. Maybe you are already using some program for remote control and have encountered the problem that the person you intend to help cannot find his ip-address in an easy way.

This page is designed to make it easy for the user to read his ip-address (large font) and read it aloud (no unnecessary information). It's also possible for the user to send his ip-address in an easy way, but that presupposes that he can manage to enter the e-mail address of the receiver in his own e-mail program e.g. Thunderbird.

It will be even more easy if you make a shortcut to this page on your dad's desktop on your next visit.

The very best solution is to get the ip-address automatically. That's why I have written Grandma-tools that sends the user's ip-address to Dropbox.

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Last change 2018-11-28

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