Contents ======== This folder contains programs and scripts that might be useful. License: GPL v.3 I appreciate any comments on the code. 2012 ==== aug, 19 Updated ARC4FILE to version 0.2. Bug fix: now all temporary files are deleted. aug, 3 Added ARC4FILE to demonstrate file encryption with ARC4. june, 17 Updated ARC4DROP768 to version 0.2 Changed HMAC-hash from md5 to SHA224. feb, 16 Added a script for automounting a folder in your Dropbox folder encrypted with encfs4win: EncFS_automount.bat Change it to your needs! feb, 3 Added tools to solve the "grandma-problem" - how can I help my granny with her computer with remote control software? I don't know her ip-adress and she doesn't either. jan, 23 Updated CHECKHASH to 0.2 Check of files that doesn't fit into memory. jan, 17 Added a simple tool to check hashsums: jan, 16 For a start I have added two programs written i Python: ARC4DROP768 - ARC4 algorithm with key drop, random salt, compression and HMAC. ARC4CRYPTDECRYPT : Encrypt/decrypt text with ARC4DROP768 You must install Python to run the programs. The programs are tested on Windows XP and Windows 7 with Python 2.7. The code will have to be partially changed for use with Python 3. You get Python from: I wrote the programs as an exercise in Python programming. I appreciate any comments on the code. Per Tunedal